Dolce Vita converted to 12 luxury apartments and one small house, Ipswich

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Old Foundry Road, Ipswich


Nine months


Our client was so impressed with TLC’s work in converting the First Floor Club into 18 apartments that they then asked us to convert the nearby Dolce Vita nightclub with the same level of quality.

The developer wanted the old nightclub turned into a one-bed house and 12 one to two-bed luxury apartments. The building had been empty for a long time, so TLC began by removing the existing stairs, roof and joints for stronger replacements and applying much-needed thermal upgrading.

TLC is proud to have received a commendation from the Ipswich Society Annual Awards 2019 for this project.

& after

Drag the slider to reveal what this project looked like before and after our work

It had been empty for a long time, many years. It was completely refurbished from top to bottom, with a new roof, apartment constructions and decorating right through. It has worked out really well, we are very pleased with it.

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